Tuesday, 2025-01-21, 9:37 PM

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- Using a bot/hacking program is forbidden. Every player snatched on using such a program will receive a BAN.
Repeating will result in a permanent IP ban. But take note, we will ban you instantly if we feel we need to.

Dual-boxing is allowed. Later this can change.

GMs and Players
- Game Masters will not cause any player to lose experience and equipment intentionally. There is one exception for this, and that is when someone receives punishment from the staff due to breaking the server rules.

When a GM notices something that will cause unbalance to the server and create chaos and corruption, all the GM's have a right to do whatever action is necessary to fix it so the server stays balanced and avoids any much larger conflict down the road by letting it continue. This does not mean that anyone has the right to boss the GM's around and tell them "Don't do that it isn't really a big deal."

All Game Masters have the right to take any actions necessary to uphold the server rules. Once a GM has a decision made that was agreed upon by the staff, do not try and change / persuade / bribe the GM's to change their minds, 9/10 people who try that are ones who are probably at fault also and don't want to be caught or figured out.

- Game Masters will not hand out special items, so asking for them is meaningless.

Respect all Staff including the Elite Server. Do not yell or disrespect any GM's with a foul mouth. Do not advertise another server or disrespect this one. GM's are humans to and can make mistakes. However, there is no reason to insult them.

Just because you may feel you are "buddy buddy" with one of the other GM's, if one starts to back you into a corner because you are at fault for breaking a rule or rules do not try and pull the old "Oh well I can just get so-so to unban me". That will not work and any attempt to do so will result in a permanent ban entirely. (this being if the ban you receive was a temp ban, otherwise you're still banned permanently) The GM's are not allowed to unban a "friend" of theirs if another GM banned them. The GM's always discuss who they ban and why and present evidence so there is no corruption of foul play found. If you got banned for breaking a rule, you deserved it, no exceptions.

Whispering a GM is only for major in-game issues. If you have questions, little problems or anything that isn't very important, use the forums. If it is something that should be seen right away, asking for a GM on global is allowed.

Impersonating a GM is strictly forbidden! Instant IP Ban.

- Exploiting is a bannable act on this server. The punishments will be based upon the severity of the act. We monitor everything you do. If we see any suspicious items or adena, be prepared to explain.

This includes the Adena exploit which was resolved before. If you feel someone is exploiting PLEASE use the Forums to post it or ask for a GM in game to whisper you and explain your findings to them.

Using Bugs/Adena Glitching/Shop Dupe or any other server errors is absolutely forbidden. All bug type issues are to be reported right away to the Staff either in game/MSN/ or website PM. Anyone caught exploiting, will be punished and possibly banned due to the issue used.

This does not mean "Oh I found an exploit that gives me weapons... hmmm let me see what all it can do. Oh it gives me (item)! Let me get a couple then I'll let them know" If you do that, you are also counted for exploiting even if you reported it because you participated in it. Those who are GIVEN items who were unaware that it was exploited will not be punished, only those who exploited it and then tried to make money off unsuspecting people.

- Shops as of right now are not allowed in Towns or any other place you feel you need to make a player shop. If we find you, well move you to the  correct traders village.

Sharing Account/Items is at YOUR OWN RISK. If the player decides he wants to keep it, its your fault not ours. Do not come to us about this.

- The server's official language is English.

Racist comments come with actions that can result in punishable acts, please think about what you say.

We allow cursing on our server, but please, watch how it is used. We know trash talking is a part of Lineage, have fun, make enemies but keep the vulgar words to a minimum. If we feel you are acting immature with your vocabulary and can not act as an adult, you will be warned.
Rules are subjected to change at anytime and date. Please keep updated. This is here so you can not say you didn't know. All rules are to be respected and obeyed. Players who do not abide by the rules will be punished.

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2025-01-21 9:37 PM

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